
What if you could get a first-hand
look at life at Rice

  • The food scene in Houston is simply unmatched. Ranked top 20 Best Campus Food by the Princeton Review, Rice's serveries are tough to beat too. This year, Rice's Housing and Dining department started a new paid internship program where current Rice students have the opportunity to work in their college serveries and serve their very own peers.

  • In its popular Big Questions courses, the School of Humanities invites students from diverse academic backgrounds and career interests to experience how humanistic and artistic inquiry can help them make sense of our world and the daily dilemmas we face. Course subjects vary, but each shares a common goal of engaging students in a deep dive into those life-changing questions we ponder well beyond college and that comprise the core of a liberal arts education. Hear from Joselyn about her experience!

  • From family and friends to finally being able to spend time with one another, there's a lot to be thankful for this year. Before our students break for Thanksgiving, we went around campus and asked what they are thankful for.

  • The residential colleges are an essential part to a student's experience here at Rice. Within each college, there is a team of adults called the "A-Team" who are responsible for providing academic, emotional, and social support throughout your time here. Check out this video to learn about the different A-team roles and what they do for their students!

  • Many of the residential colleges at Rice find fun ways to celebrate their founding. Learn about Duncan's annual tradition, Duncan Week, celebrating the birthday of their college and other unique traditions.

  • Rice prides itself on its student-led government system, deeply embedded into college culture. Take a look at each of the different positions in the government, including some fun ones as well! 

  • Rice University prides itself on its diverse student body, celebrating a myriad of cultures and identities. Whether it's the Rice African Student Association Africayé fashion show or Chinese Student Association’s boba fundraisers, connecting cultures on campus is an integral mission at Rice. 

  • Many of the residential colleges at Rice find fun ways to celebrate their founding. Learn about McMurtry's annual tradition, McScottish Week, celebrating the Scottish heritage of their college's founders.

  • There's millions of ways that Rice students spend their four-day weekend known as Midterm Break, and we got photos from one group's idea of fun: a road trip in Texas to Canyon Lake!

  • Meet Anthony, a student EMS provider and volunteer for REMS, Rice Emergency Medical Services, through some photos he captured (safely) as he made his way through a shift with REMS!

  • Experiences abroad can be extremely rewarding, as Zach Zelman found through his internship this past summer in Paris, France. We asked him a few questions to learn more about what he worked on and his incredible experience working in the heart of Paris. 

  • When you live in a city as diverse as Houston, you'll find cultural experiences and events throughout the year, such as the Mid-Autumn Festival! A couple of Rice students took an excursion out to Asia Society Texas for this fun weekend event.





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