Building a LEGO Rice University


The collaborative spirit of their work demonstrates the value of community at Rice University. In Andrew’s words, "Community is important, like building is great, but what really made this special was... bringing in so many people to work with." 

The construction took 14 hours to complete, but there may be changes to come in the future! In fact, Andrew has already volunteered his services to update the model as the Rice campus continues to grow. The next time you’re “inside the hedges,” be sure to stop by the Rice Welcome Center to see the display in the lobby.


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  • A summer at Rice is anything but ordinary! See how Office of Admission intern Berny took the Rice spirit to new heights this summer.

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  • As early May rolls around, the existential fear of graduation is slowly sinking in for seniors across campus. Office of Admission interns Naman and Devika matriculated into Rice in 2020, a year that many of us remember all too well. Unfortunately, at the time, all of Rice’s traditional matriculation festivities had come to a halt. As campus has returned to normalcy, the senior class has been fortunate enough to experience a wealth of festivities this year. Read below for some of our interns’ experiences as McMurtry and Martel College seniors!





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